Bluecadet was born in a museumand raised in a Philly rowhouse.
Today, we are a seasoned, multi-disciplinary team but we still have that small studio feel.

We value low ego and great work.
Collaboration builds quality
We believe in radical collaboration—cross discipline, cross partner, cross team—building on one another’s concepts and sketches until it’s impossible to say where the idea came from in the first place.
Story always comes first
No project can be successful without a compelling story, so that’s where we start. We help clients hone in on the stories they want to tell, focusing on what’s relevant, authentic, and meaningful to their audience.
Be good to work with
Work hard, be nice. Treat tough problems as interesting challenges. This is the way we approach work every day.
Build the best, right thing
Our team likes to push boundaries, to iterate and innovate. But we never chase tech for tech’s sake. Rather we work to craft the best, right thing that will serve our clients, their stories and the audiences they value.
We are redefining visitor experience for the world's most creative businesses, brands, and cultural institutions
Our team combines design, technology, content and craft, to tell meaningful stories across digital and physical space.
- Corey AnklamSenior Producer
- Shaun BaerSenior Developer
- Kaleena BlackNarrative Strategist
- An BuiVisual Designer
- MeiLi CarlingDesign Apprentice
- Hillary ClearySenior Producer
- Adiel FernandezTech Lead
- Nina Fielding CallawaySenior Narrative Strategist
- Amy FrearDeveloper
- Kim GimCreative Director
- Josh GoldblumFounder & CEO
- Ines GonzalezOffice Coordinator
- Katie HanDeveloper
- Rob HasslerDirector of Business Development
- Pete IngeSenior Systems Engineer
- Kristina JenkinsSenior Narrative Strategist
- Victoria JonesExecutive Producer
- Troy LachanceChief Creative Officer
- Katie LanniganSenior Producer
- Emily LinSenior Designer
- Andy MoliskiArt Director
- Madeleine OsbornSenior Narrative Strategist
- Lillian PrestonManaging Director
- Katie SavageCreative Director
- Ashley Stratton-RaynerDirector of Project Strategy
- Clay TercekSenior Developer
- Manasa Venkata KrishnanDesign Apprentice
- Sarah WillisSenior Producer
- Yaara YacobyBusiness Development Strategist
- Xinran ZhouDesigner
Our specialty is integrated digital experiences that span online and the built environment.