Public Media, In-Tune

A user scrolls through the WHYY mobile application.

Project Overview

Philadelphia’s beloved public media organization, WHYY, produces content that spans digital and broadcast, local and national, news and culture. It’s a modern and adaptable organization—it has to be, to stay relevant. They deserve a site that can keep up with them. 

We led focus groups and performed extensive user testing to make sure no audience was left behind. We worked with WHYY editors to create an editorial pipeline that served their needs.

The seamless migration of 16 years of content—over 100,000 articles, videos, and recordings—was one of our biggest challenges. With the new, responsive site, a system of flexible templates ensures WHYY editors can work at the pace of a 24-hour news cycle.

Project Videos and Images

  • Photos of the WHYY application and its wide variety of news articles.
  • A user reads an article while on the WHYY mobile app.
A user reads WHYY on a tablet device.